Winter Care - Simple and Easy Tips to Stay Healthy, Treat Skin Problems and Other Ailments

Winter is always welcome after the scorching summer heat and windy autumn.

Winter is the best season to improve one's immunity.

Immunity boosting foods are those that are fresh, organic,easy to digest, pure and wholesome which include
Fresh vegetables and fruits.
Dairy products
Nuts/Oil seeds
Whole grains/legumes
Besides these, some spices have anti-mircobial properties that protect from colds and infections.

Increasing body heat naturally
Greater the oxidation, more is the heat produced. Foods that are easy to procure and digest and are oxidized quickly are highly recommended as these help increase our body heat which include
Animal food (Meat, fish and poultry)
Winter greens (Spinach, coriander, mustrad, radish, mint etc)
Root vegetables (Carrot, potatoes, onion, gralic,radish, yams, turnips)
Pineapple, papaya and dates

Other Ailments and their Home Remedies
Mustrad and ajwain are valuable remedy for
  • Winter coughs and flu
  • Stimulates appetite and digestion
  • Increase blood circulation

Fenugreek (dry and sprouted) is very beneficial​ for bone and joint problems.

Basil (tulsi) protects against colds and fever.

Ginger for ailments including gas and gastro - intestinal discomfort, reducing nausea and as an anti inflammatory.

Turmeric is a anti microbial immunity builder.

Whole grains gives fibre which helps with detoxification, and substained, long lasting energy, to keep warm through the day.

Skin Problems in Winter
A dry skin is a fine textured skin and is proof to wrinkles and chapping. It is caused by an inability to retain moisture. Withered skin is mainly due to over exposure to extremes of climate such as too much sun out too much cold. Withered skin is old looking skin. It is usually full of wrinkles.

Then there is winter itch. It appears during the winter and clear during the summer months. This condition is usually due to excessive dryness of the skin during the cold winter. It is also due to wearing of too many woolens garments too many hot baths, too little sun, lack of sweating, too much use of soaps and scents and dietary deficiencies.

The important thing is to combat the drying effects for weather. For this give attention to normal exercise, walking and adequate diet and speed up your sluggish circulation. Remember that a sluggish circulation always causes painful chilbains and swollen ankles.

In winter expose yourself to the sun at least an hour daily. Vitamin A is stored in the fat just beneath the surface of the skin counteracting any tendency towards dryness and roughness.

If you get white patches that are itchy around the month take a course of Vitamin B tablets.

In places where winter means fog and the sun rays barely filter through the dark clouds, it means less Vitamin D to be assimilated by the body. Take greens vegetables and fruits in plenty, which are source of all vitamins.

Soap instead, clean your skin with a good cleansing lotion or cream (dissolves the fats from the skin and takes them away from the surface).

Hands: Protect your hands against the drying effects of water by wearing rubber gloves for rough household chores. If not keep a bottle of hand lotion or cream on your kitchen shelf to remind you. A mixture of glycerine and rose water is good, if you cannot afford a hand lotion cut away dead skin and trim the cuticles clean the nails.

Feet: Drying your hands and feet every time they have been in water chilbained fingers and toes perhaps winters biggest buy bear. They are the result of extreme in temperature. Warm then beat the fire or on a hot water bottle when they feel cold and frozen.

Chilled hand and feet should be warmed gradually with brisk massage and supple and hand and foot exercise wear gloves sand socks for extra warmth. Tight shoes are plain tortures for chilbained feet, a well fitting pair messages for comfort.

A foot bath is also very comforting and relaxing after a cold, hard day.

Hairs: An occasionally hot oil treatment. Warm olive oil applied well, excellent remedy.
